Barn Owls and More!

Update from island bird expert Ed Swan: Adria Magrath had a pair of Evening Grosbeaks at her feeder today. They’ve been moving through this last week. I’d appreciate sightings as people find them. Also, has anyone seen Cedar Waxwings? Her Cooper’s Hawks are also...
Island Breeding & Other Birds Recap

Island Breeding & Other Birds Recap

Update from island bird expert Ed Swan: Sunday, Kathryn True found nesting Downy Woodpecker and Common Bushtit in her yard. Sharon Aukland in Dockton had a male Downy feeding a young bird at their suet feeder and Black-capped Chickadee using a nest box. Bob Hawkins...
Brown booby sighting!

Brown booby sighting!

Wow! We have had an incredible run of rare bird sightings lately. Keep your eyes on the Sound, shores, and trees as the fall migration begins. We love to hear what you are seeing out there. This just in from Ed Swan today: Gary Shugart saw and photographed a Brown...
If Sherlock Holmes Were a Naturalist……

If Sherlock Holmes Were a Naturalist……

When Phoebe Goit returned home from the 2014 island Bioblitz in July, she found a surprise as she peered at a tiny twig under her microscope. A Kitsap Peninsula resident who has volunteered her lichen expertise at the last two Bioblitzes, Phoebe was stumped by an...


“As for the coyote, he was nothing like his cartoon icon. He was sleek, fast, healthy and apparently without an anvil or Acme product of any kind.”  ― Doug Fine Even without anvils and Acme products, coyotes are well adapted to rural environments like Vashon. Unlike...