Jeff Adams is a marine and freshwater biologist currently working for Washington Sea Grant, a department in the UW’s College of the Environment. His naturalist passion lies with discovering, interpreting, and sharing the amazing natural and human history stories that aquatic life can tell us. Washington Sea Grant , FB/Twitter @SalishSeaLife. |
Charlotte Basch-Lin is an enrolled member of the Puyallup Tribe, with family ties to the Clatsop-Nehalem and Siletz tribes of Oregon. Her experience working for both tribal and non-tribal organizations in education, museums, and cultural resources has given her invaluable perspective on the intricacies, priorities, and demands facing diverse organizations and communities. Charlotte recently found herself working in philanthropy, where she continues work to disrupt historically inaccessible spaces through disrupting power inequities and redistributing resources. Charlotte holds a MA in Museum Anthropology and a BA in Anthropology-Sociology, with a minor in Indigenous Studies. Outside of work, you can find her in the mountains with her cocker spaniel Brody. She’s also the skipper for the swaq̓ʷsəb Canoe Family, and a Level I certified Lushootseed Language Instructor. |
John Browne:“I’m an old left-handed hippie, Washington native, college dropout, tree planter, native plant fancier/nurseryman, parent/g’parent, occasional musician, community volunteer, amateur naturalist, emergency midwife, and omnivore, who has relied on wood heat exclusively since 1969. My undying curiosity will, hopefully, be inheritable (ie I’m sure that it will find a home after I’m gone). Vashon resident since 1982… first visited in 1949. I like it here!” We regularly call on John’s curiosity, plant midwifery skills, and ability to use left-handed scissors. |
Derek Churchill is both a forester and scientist whose focus is applying ecological knowledge to on-the-ground forest management challenges across the Pacific Northwest, including Vashon Island. He is currently the Forest Health Scientist at Washington Department of Natural Resources. Formerly, he ran a forestry consulting company that specialized in ecological forestry and was a post-doc at UW in the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, where he taught silviculture and conducted research on using LiDAR to guide multiscale resilience management in the Sierra Nevada and Colville National Forests. |
Tom Devries, PhD, retired in 2014 from 22 years of teaching science at Vashon High School. He maintains an active paleontological research program in Peru, where he has conducted field work since 1980. DeVries earned his doctorate in geology at Ohio State University and did post-doctoral work in the School of Oceanography at Oregon State University. Tom Devries is part of the Island Union of Geologists who helped create the geology section of the Natural Wonder exhibit curated by Vashon Nature Center at the Vashon Heritage Museum in 2021-2023. |
Angela Dillon. I was born and raised in the Puyallup Valley and I’m an enrolled member of the Puyallup Tribe. I graduated from the School of Aquatic and Fisheries sciences at the University of Washington and completed a master’s thesis on juvenile salmon diets, restoration, and invertebrate prey resources on Clear Creek, Puyallup, Washington. I spent a few years doing water quality work in WRIA 7 before coming to work for the Puyallup Tribe’s Fisheries Department. As a field biologist, I monitored adult and juvenile salmon in WRIA 10 and have spent the last few years as the SEPA Reviewer. I am currently the Water Quality Manager at the Puyallup Tribe’s Fisheries Department. In my free time, I volunteer for the Puyallup Tribe’s Sustainability Working Group and the City of Puyallup. I love puppies, detective novels, and the fall is my favorite time of the year. |
Karen Fevold,Karen has a Master’s of Science in Ecosystems Analysis and Conservation from the School of Forestry at the University of Washington, ask her about the hyporheic zone! She has also inventoried salmon habitat, freshwater mussels, birds and plant communities of a number of King County’s rivers, streams and adjacent properties. Karen regularly helps VNC as a lab and field mentor for the Stream Invertebrate program in the 6th grade. |
Tessa Francis, PhD, is the Chief of Staff for the National Nature Assessment. She is detailed to the US Global Change Research program from the USGS. Formally, a research scientist at the University of Washington Tacoma, she is an aquatic ecologist whose research focuses on the conservation and restoration of aquatic ecosystems and consequences for socio-ecological systems. |
Ellen Kritzman has a Masters degree in zoology (as well as library science), and retired from the job of Curator of Mammals at the Museum of Natural History, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma. She has authored several articles, and the field guide “Little Mammals of the Pacific Northwest” in 1977 and continues to be interested in sharing her passion for evolution, adaptation and biodiversity with other Islanders. |
Heidi Hans Petersen, PhD. Heidi became fascinated with insects as a young girl while collecting caddisfly larvae to use as steelhead bait! The interface between people and biology is her passion. She enjoys teaching, tromping through Dockton woods, and paddling or pedaling anywhere! Heidi graduated with a BS in biology from North Park University, and received her MS in plant pathology and Ph.D. in entomology from University of Florida. As an agricultural ecologist, she works to build partnerships with low resource farmers to develop relevant, sustainable strategies for enhancing agricultural production and food security. (photo credit: Marla Miller). |
John H. Rupp,Emeritus Curator, Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, Tacoma, Washington. Academic specialty: elasmobranch fish (sharks, skates and rays. Area of interest: apex predator biology, ecology and behavior. Master of Science, University of Guam Marine Science Center, marine biology. Bachelor of Science University of Utah, zoology. Vashon resident since 1985. |
Gary Shugart,is Head Curator of Collections at Puget Sound Natural History Museum. He can identify any animal from virtually any remains or photo he is given. Gary is excited because he thinks he signed up for SAC as in Strategic Air Command (not SAC as in Science Advisory Council). So, if you see him flying dangerously around Vashon you will know why. |
Kathryn True is an island-based freelance writer and naturalist. Childhood creek walks and forest wanders set her on course for a lifetime of nature exploration. She helped launch Vashon Nature Center’s first BioBlitz in 2012 and enjoys sharing the life histories and mysteries of water bears and mushrooms, otters and orcas through writing and photos. Kathryn consults on our community science and education programs, writes for our blog and other publications, and oversees our Facebook and Instagram. See more at kathryntrue.com. |