Education is central to Vashon Nature Center’s mission. We offer hands-on field science programs to K-12 schools, public workshops, youth programs, professional development for educators, naturalist training, and internships.
Scientists in Schools
Vashon Nature Center believes in teaching science through doing science. Our hands-on programs bring scientists into the schools and students into the laboratory of nature. We engage youth in real projects with real consequences that have lasting benefits for their local community and the Salish Sea. We hold programs at all three local public schools and we link these offerings so students build on skills and knowledge gained as they progress through grade levels. We work closely with teachers to link projects to existing curricula and Next Generation Science Standards. We reach about 400 students in island public schools each year.
Teacher Resources
9th grade Hands-on Science summary 2020
Vashon Island Specific Stream Macroinvertebrate Field Guide
6th grade Stream invertebrate curriculum
5th grade science salmon unit curriculum Class code for salmon: qwxthoe
Perla, B.S. and G Roselle, 2014. Students can sort stream bugs and change watershed management: a case study from Shinglemill Creek, Vashon Island, WA. Salish Sea Ecosystem conference, Seattle, WA.